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Top 5 Graphic Design Tips You Should Know

ブランコ リカ

I have always been into graphic design since I was still in high school and have been doing it professionally for three years now. I have created countless designs and concepts from minimalist and flat designs to pop and grunge. Out of my experiences, I have put together a list of my top five graphic design tips and tricks to help designers and non-designers transform their ideas into visual concepts.

  • Simplicity is best

We’ve all heard this saying. Across all areas of our lives, not just in design, simplicity is the key to better focus, understanding, and clarity. In graphic design, the image or website speaks for itself. Anyone can create a powerful impact by keeping it straight forward and simple.

  • Use cohesive colors and design elements

Designers cautiously select the colors to create harmony, balance, and consistency with your design. Understanding color theory is just as important as the overall design. When choosing a color palette, keep in mind the 60-30-10 rule: 60% base color, 30% secondary color, and 10% should be the accent color.

  • Keep your font choices at a minimum

Remember that the font you select should embody the character and image of your design. Selecting an appropriate typeface is an important step in the design process. For graphic design, choose fonts that conveys your design well. For website design, it’s best to consider fonts with multiple sizes and weights for usability while keeping it sophisticated.

  • Make the most out of white space

Imagine reading a book with no punctuations marks. If you glance at the piece you are reading, you don’t know where the sentence starts or ends. In design, white space creates harmony and balance to the design and removes distractions. It helps the reader or viewer concentrate on the content in front of them by leading the reader or viewer from one element to another.  Without even putting any visual indications or arrows, the readers will know what element their eyes will land on next.

  • Stay organized

For designers who have multiple projects at hand, staying organized increases your output and your chances of becoming more productive. Trust me when I say it’s easier said than done. Staying organized is not a walk in the park. Creating schedules, setting deadlines, organizing your resources helps improve time management and your overall performance. Remember to always declutter and clean up after any completion of a project before moving on to the next project.

ブランコ リカ


セブ工科大学で情報技術学科卒業。2019 年に日本語を勉強するために来日した。 グラフィック デザイナーとして自動車会社に入社し、テクノロジー業界の視野を広げ、グラフィック デザインへの情熱を追求した。 顧客に高品質のサービスを提供するという会社の使命とビジョンに感銘を受け、現在の会社に入社。

