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Logo Design Process

ブランコ リカ

Designing logos is not as simple as it sounds. Every graphic designer has a different approach to logo design. For some, it includes a structural, step-by-step planning and execution. For others, it’s when the creative juices and inspiration are in stock. I am a bit of both, it depends on the weather, really.

I will share the design process based on a real case study, a logo I designed for a client. Obviously all logo designs starts with an order notification, otherwise you would have no reason to start the design. I then conduct a one-on-one hearing with the client to know more about the who-what-when-why’s of their product and grasp the brand’s concept. I do a rough sketch of the logo with the concept and brand image in mind and a combination of my own ideas as well. After designing the logo, I present it to the client and request their feedback for the final touches and then I prepare the final deliverables to be given to the client.

Logo design comes with a lot of planning and talent. Each detail and aspect of the logo matters (and should matter) to the designer because the ultimate goal is for the logo to leave a lasting impression and brings the brand to life. It is important strictly follow the initial steps of logo design as it will help you stay focused and make less revisions instead of jumping straight into the design process.

ブランコ リカ


セブ工科大学で情報技術学科卒業。2019 年に日本語を勉強するために来日した。 グラフィック デザイナーとして自動車会社に入社し、テクノロジー業界の視野を広げ、グラフィック デザインへの情熱を追求した。 顧客に高品質のサービスを提供するという会社の使命とビジョンに感銘を受け、現在の会社に入社。

