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四葉幼稚園 チラシ制作







Yotsuba Kindergarten is a Catholic kindergarten school founded in 1924 by Momoyo Nishioka, whose mission is to nurture children to become trusted members of society who will make a difference. They reached out to MNET to request a flyer design for their open-house event. We were in charge of everything from direction and conceptualization to design and printing.



The design attracts attention at first glance with its vibrant colors, playful illustrations, and cheerful typography. The funky, friendly font brings an energetic and engaging atmosphere to the flyer that will resonate with children as well as their parents. The use of engaging images of children engrossed in educational activities captures an atmosphere of fun and exploration that is perfectly in line with the kindergarten’s philosophy.



Information is presented in a concise and easily understandable manner. Key details such as the kindergarten’s name, location, contact information, and event dates are prominently displayed so parents can quickly find the information they need. In addition, the flyer includes a small paragraph highlighting the benefits of our kindergarten, making it clear why we are an exceptional choice for your child’s educational journey.

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