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Creative Block? Here’s how to overcome that.

ブランコ リカ

There are times when you are loaded with ideas and creative juices and when your creativity hits a roadblock. As a designer, you are required to produce ideas and output, because, let’s face it, it’s your job. You spend hours researching and digging up inspiration, but nothing comes through and not only is it a waste of time, but you are dragging your team down. I’m still fresh off the boat so I asked a colleague of mine what would he do, and here’s what he said: 

  1. Ask yourself: What is troubling you?  

The first thing you must do is to take a step back and clear your mind. Figure out why you’re stuck; is it the target? The theme? The base colors? Determine what the pointers are, put it into writing and stick to it.  

  1. Take a deep breath and start your search 

Technology is on our side, let’s use it to our advantage. Look up ideas and inspiration and pick your top three that best fits the image of your design. Anything other than that should be discarded.  

  1. Ask for advice 

You are not a one-man show. Never hesitate to ask for help because your colleagues might just have the answers you’re looking for! It is a team effort after all. 

  1. Repeat 

Just because you overcame the problem doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. Always remember to go back to tip number one. 

Creative block happens to everyone, but it doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks. When you find yourself in the same situation, just go through these tips again and your creative juices will continue to flow. 

ブランコ リカ


セブ工科大学で情報技術学科卒業。2019 年に日本語を勉強するために来日した。 グラフィック デザイナーとして自動車会社に入社し、テクノロジー業界の視野を広げ、グラフィック デザインへの情熱を追求した。 顧客に高品質のサービスを提供するという会社の使命とビジョンに感銘を受け、現在の会社に入社。

