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My First Day at MNET

ブランコ リカ

My name is Lyka and I’m from the Philippines. I graduated with a degree in Information Technology from Cebu Institute of Technology University and I came to Japan in 2019 to study Japanese. I joined an automobile company as a graphic designer to expand my horizons in the tech industry and to pursue my passion in graphic design. I was inspired by the company’s mission and vision in delivering high quality services to its customers so I joined MNET.

My first day was very interesting and gave me an insight of what working for a software company is like. It was tough at first due to the information overload (it’s still tough) especially when you’re an English speaker but as Tony Robbins would say, “the only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” That being said, I will work twice as hard and look forward to new projects in the following days and to learn more useful skills in the process.

ブランコ リカ


セブ工科大学で情報技術学科卒業。2019 年に日本語を勉強するために来日した。 グラフィック デザイナーとして自動車会社に入社し、テクノロジー業界の視野を広げ、グラフィック デザインへの情熱を追求した。 顧客に高品質のサービスを提供するという会社の使命とビジョンに感銘を受け、現在の会社に入社。

